That month is coming
that silkworm month
and the poor farmer
doesn't even drink a glass

The poor little women up and down these boards (the silkworm litters)
and the men in the mulberry tree
who all look like devils

The watchman comes
to the door of the house
with a hoe and a shovel
and (says) «Let's get to work»

St. Martin's Day comes
the rent must be paid
chickens and capons
they must go and take (to the owner)

They (the farmers) go to Milan
with chickens and capons
they go to the milkman
and drink in the big hall.


Song about silkworm rearing

Here, the reference to the separation of roles during silkworm rearing is interesting. While it was the men's job to collect the mulberry leaves, caring for the silkworms was typically women's work. In fact, a continuous commitment was required of the women, as the silkworms needed to be fed plenty of mulberry leaves regularly.

Credits: Interviste realizzate da Daniele Lavelli, Emanuele Manzoni e Paolo Pioltelli (luglio-ottobre 2015). Regia, riprese e montaggio di Paolo Pioltelli.