the everyday routine at the Mill
Work hours in the Abegg mill
Song about the gender condition
Interviews about the relationship with the owners and their associates
Document used to obtain admission to employment
Song of complaint
Interviews about the family history of former spinning mill workers
Art 7 / The spinner is responsible for discrepancies in the linear mass density and...
Rules for the mill workers
Song of protest
Historic documents about the downpour of July 1910
Historical data sheet of an unincorporated mutual aid association
"We would bring two apples, two eggs, and some potatoes from home"
Interviews about songs in the spinning mill
Song of protest
Interviews about breakfast and the journey from home to work
Each group would sing its song. The boss was happy if we sang and prayed
Interviews about the management of monthly wages.
Period image showing female and male workers of the Galbiate mills
Interviews about the origins and life of workers from other towns.
Song about the spinner-women
Interviews about the midday break